The Bible Library



About the translation work

Introduction to the Swedish KJV Bible,

the Swedish edition of,



In an age where access to different Bible translations is greater than ever, the King James Bible stands out as a beacon showing us the way in the darkness of corrupt Bibles. The SKJVB project was born out of a passion for God's Word and a conviction that even Swedish speakers need access to a reliable translation of the King James Bible (KJB) - a text that since 1611 has stood unchanged in its doctrine and contributed to unrivalled fruit for the Lord.
The King James Bible, often abbreviated KJB, has been a cornerstone of the Christian faith for over 400 years. Its true doctrine has not only inspired generations of believers but also served as a guide in their spiritual lives. The SKJVB is based on the KJB, proven by its unchanging doctrine and its ability to touch the hearts of men over the centuries to the glory of God the Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour. Yes, the King James Bible is the proof text and the basis for the Swedish translation. The claim that you have to go to Hebrew or Greek to understand the Bible is not true. God has given us the King James Bible; a Bible that is unchanged in doctrine since 1611 and has produced more fruit unto the Lord than any other Bible for over 400 years.
In an effort to bring the same depth and clarity to the Swedish-speaking world, the translation work of the SKJVB has endeavoured to accurately translate the English text into Swedish. This work, done entirely by God's grace and without commercial interests, aims to make God's inerrant and living word available to all online.

The manuscript sources behind the KJB

The KJB is based on the Majority Text, which comprises about 99% of the extant manuscripts and has a high degree of correspondence between them, while many modern Bible translations are based on the Alexandrian Minority Text, which comprises less than 1% of the extant manuscripts and has a low degree of correspondence between them. More on Manuscript sources in the article: About the Bible

About the translation work

Word for word - thought for thought

SKJVB - The Swedish KJV Bible is a direct translation of the 1611 (including 1769) King James Authorised Version. In the translation of the King James Bible, we have taken into account the language and text structure of the English King James Bible and it is well preserved and clarified in the Swedish translation through a matched use of punctuation. With an easy-to-read Swedish language outfit, the Swedish KJV Bible has a slightly older linguistic tone that faithfully follows the English King James Bible.

Examples of translation work

A Comparison: SKJVB versus Other Translations

A concrete example of the importance of translation is the verse from First Corinthians 15:2, where the SKJVB manages to preserve the original meaning and doctrine by correctly translating ‘are saved’ instead of ‘will be saved,’ as many other translations incorrectly state. This kind of accuracy in translation is essential to maintain the purity of Biblical doctrine. You will also find, in most ‘modern’ Bibles, the same mistranslation in 1Cor. 1:18, which says:
Ty predikandet om korset är en dårskap för dem som förgås; men för oss som är frälsta är det Guds kraft. - 1Kor. 1:18. (SKJVB).
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.- 1Cor. 1:18. (KJB).

See the following comparison of the Gospel; the good news,

First Corinthians 15:1-4 between KJB and SKJVB.

Read the Gospel, First Corinthians 15:1-4


1Cor. 15:1

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

1Cor. 15:2

By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

1Cor. 15:3

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

1Cor. 15:4

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Läs Evangeliet, Första Korintierbrevet 15:1-4


1Kor. 15:1

Dessutom, bröder, till er kungör jag evangeliet som jag predikade för er, som ni också tog emot, och vari ni står;

1Kor. 15:2

Genom vilket ni också är frälsta, om ni kommer ihåg det ord som jag predikade för er, annars kom ni till tro förgäves.

1Kor. 15:3

Först och främst har jag ju meddelat er vad jag själv tagit emot, hur Kristus dog för våra synder enligt skrifterna;

1Kor. 15:4

Och att han blev begravd, och att han uppstod på tredje dagen enligt skrifterna:
The choice of words in the Swedish translation of the King James Version is related to how closely a word can be translated into Swedish, while the translation of the word is faithful in both pronunciation and meaning to the English text of the King James Bible.

See below 21 examples of words in the SKJVB in relation to the KJV:

KJV - shall

SKJVB - skall (istället för ska).

KJV - king

SKJVB - kung (istället för konung).

KJV - prince

SKJVB - prins (istället för furste).

KJV - church

SKJVB - kyrka (istället för församling).

KJV - heal.

SKJVB - hela (helade.) (istället för bota/botade).

KJV - doctrine

SKJVB - doktrin (istället för lära).

KJV - cast

SKJVB - kastade (istället för driver, utdriven).

KJV - preach

SKJVB - predika (istället för förkunna).

KJV - wilderness

SKJVB - vildmarken(istället för öknen).

KJV - mystery

SKJVB - mysterium (istället för hemlighet.).

KJV - field

SKJVB - fält (istället för åker).

KJV - generations

SKJVB - generationer (istället för släkte, släkttavla).

KJV - communicate

SKJVB - kommunicera (istället för tal eller ord).

KJV - triumph

SKJVB - triumf (istället för seger).

KJV - manifest

SKJVB - manifestera. (istället för uppenbara).

KJV - mother, & father

SKJVB - moder & fader (Fader) (istället för mor och far).

KJV - brother

SKJVB -  broder (istället för bror).

KJV - command

SKJVB - kommendera (istället för befalla).

KJV - Bishop 

SKJVB - Biskop (istället för församlingsledare).

KJV - Deacon

SKJVB - Diakon (istället för församlingstjänare).

KJV - publican

SKJVB - publikan (istället för tullindrivare).

Example of so-called dynamic equivalence

Our translation strategy is to translate the English text word-for-word, as close as possible to the King James Bible in the Swedish language; to reproduce as accurately as possible the vocabulary and grammar of the King James Bible in the translation. However, when the translation of the text into Swedish requires it, we have also taken into account translating ‘thought for thought’ (dynamic equivalence) e.g. with idiomatic expressions consisting of two or more words that in their composition have a specific meaning. These idioms often cause problems in translation between different languages if translated literally. Examples of so-called dynamic equivalence in the King James Bible can be found in: Matthew 27:44:

The expression: Cast the same in his teeth [ αὐτῷ ὠνείδιζον αὐτόν. ]

”The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.” Mat. 27:44 – KJV*.
”Tjuvarna också, som var korsfästa med honom, kastade samma i hans tänder.” Matt. 27:44 – Verbatim in Swedish
”Även tjuvarna, som var korsfästa med honom, kastade hans ord mot honom.” Matt. 27:44 – SKJVB*.
*Cast the same in his teeth, is an idiom meaning to scold or reproach a person, to throw back at a person something that the person has previously said or done.

The expression: Fetched a compass [ περιελθόντες ] 

And from thence we fetched a compass, and came to Rhegium: and after one day the south wind blew, and we came the next day to Puteoli:” – Acts 28:13. KJV*
Och därifrån hämtade vi en kompass, och kom till Rhegium: och efter en dag blåste sydvinden, och vi kom nästa dag till Puteoli:” – Apg. 28:13. Verbatim in Swedish. (SKJVB)
Och därifrån cirkulerade vi runt, och kom till Regium: och efter en dag blåste sydvinden, och nästa dag kom vi till Puteoli:” – Apg. 28:13. SKJVB*.
 *A brief explanation of the expression ‘Fetched a compass’ in Acts 28:13 KJV - In context, this expression means that the ship sailed ‘round’ (circularly) instead of in a straight line. The word ‘compass’ is used this way in the KJV Bible (Josh. 6:3-4, 7, 14; 2 Chron. 4:2-3; Ps. 17:11, 22:12, 18:5, 49:5, 118:10-12, etc.). The reason the ship could not sail straight to Regium was that they had to go around a land area first in order to sail there.

Why use the word charity, instead of the word love?

The English word ‘charity’ comes from the Latin ‘caritas’, and means ‘Christian love’. Whenever the word ‘charity’ appears in the KJV/SKJVB, it is in reference to Christian love for fellow Christians, to show that love is giving. Some might say that ‘charity’ in our time refers only to giving donations, no, ‘charity’ is the expression of love, a love that gives; and this also includes words like, generosity, kindness, affection, tenderness, which shows the attitude of the heart, to think and in every action act benevolently.
For God so loved the world, that HE GAVE his only begotten Son..” - Joh. 3:16. (KJV)
 ”But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US.” - Rom. 5:8. (KJV)
The Greek word in question is ‘αγαπη (agapē)’. Thayer defines this word as ‘brotherly love, affection, good will, affection, benevolence’ (Thayer's Greek Definitions). ‘Charity’ is therefore a correct translation of ‘αγαπη’. The definition of the word ‘charity’ in Webster Dictionary 1828:
  1. in a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that state of mind which leads people to think favourably of their fellow men and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love of God and universal good will towards men.
  2. In a more special sense, love, kindness, affection, tenderness, arising from natural relations; as the charity of father, son, and brother.
24 verses containing the word ‘charity’: 1 Corinthians 8:1, 13:1-4, 8, 13, 14:1, 16:14; Colossians 3:14; 1 Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Thessalonians 1: 3; 1 Timothy 1:5, 2:15, 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; Titus 2:2; 1 Peter 4:8, 5:14; 2 Peter 1:7; 3 John 1:6; Jude 1:12; Revelation 2:19.

The word devil or demon?

Why use the word devil instead of the word demon?

A brief explanation of why the King James Bible uses the word ‘devil’ or devils’ instead of the word “demon” in its translation. The fact that other Bible translations translate the word δαίμων ‘daimon’ as ‘demon’ is due to an overemphasis on the ‘Greek’, as the word ‘demon’ would not necessarily imply an evil spirit. For example, Webster's 1828 dictionary states that ‘the ancients believed that there were good and evil demons, who had influence over the minds of men.’ Another example is Tykhon, a god in Greek mythology who was labelled ‘daimon agathos’, that is, a ‘good spirit’. If the word ‘devil’ is used instead of the word ‘demon’, the reader immediately realises that this is an evil spirit, which is always referred to in the Bible. In the KJVB, the words have obviously been translated ‘devil and devils’ to match the KJV Bible. (See: Mat 4:-24; Mark 5:15; Lk. 8:36; John. 10:21).

Italicised words or not?

About the italicised words found in the KJV and SKJVB

Italicised words show that the words are not in the original Greek. Critics claim that these words are not part of the Word of God because they were added by the translators. But how can this claim be true when Luke, Paul, John, Peter and even the Lord Jesus Himself quoted these italicised words* from the Old Testament, this does not indicate that they were in the original texts. The italicised words found in the KJV are reproduced in the SKJVB, plus some added words that are necessary for the Swedish language; this is to facilitate the understanding of some English words or idioms whose equivalent does not exist in Swedish. The SKJVB therefore follows the example of the KJV Bible translators and puts the added words in italics so that we can see the difference.
*See: Deut. 25:4, 8:3; Psa 16:8, 82:6; Isa. 28:16 - From N.T. Acts 2:25; I Cor. 9:9; I Tim. 5:18; Matt. 4:4; Jn. 10:34; I Pe 2:6; Mat 4:4 - See also the italicised word ‘brother’ in the KJV Bible showing that Elhanan killed Goliath's brother and not Goliath: 2 Sam 21:19; 1 Chron 20:5).

The word Hell, or an untranslated word?

Does the word ‘hell’ belong in the Bible? or is an untranslated Greek or Hebrew word enough? [γέενναν]

Throughout the King James Bible, the word ‘hell’ appears a total of 54 times. The word ‘hell’ is used to translate various Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible that refer to a place prepared for Satan. Jesus says in Matt. 25:41: ‘Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:’ - (SKJVB) (See: Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10). The word hell is used in the Bible to describe a place of eternal suffering, an eternal punishment for the wicked; a warning of the consequences of turning away from God as a sinner, without salvation through faith in Christ. The SKJVB follows the King James Bible and translates the word ‘hell’ to the word ‘helvetet’ in Swedish, instead of leaving the Hebrew or Greek words untranslated or translating the words with e.g. death or death*. Here are some of the most common words in the Bible that have been translated into the word ‘hell’ in the King James Bible as the Greek word ‘γέεννα’ (Gehenna) and occurs 12 times. The Greek word ‘ᾅδης’ (Hades) which occurs 10 times. The Hebrew word ‘שְׁאוֹל’ (Sheol) occurs 31 times. Corrupt Bibles try to hide the Bible's doctrine of hell, where the meaning of words like ‘Gehenna’ are meaningless to the reader; see e.g. in Matt: 23:33 and compare: ‘ can you escape being condemned to Gehenna?’ Or ‘ can you escape the damnation of hell?’, How many know what Gehenna means? However, if the word ‘γέεννα’ (Gehenna) is translated as hell, there is no doubt about what it means. So the answer is yes, the word hell belongs in the Bible.
*Note: If Gehenna only means death, why would those in Matt. 23:33 ‘escape it’ in 33 AD, everyone at that time has been dead for almost 2000 years, and why for the same reason would someone cut off their hand according to Mat 5:30, 18:8; Mark 9:43, they would die anyway, regardless of whether they had ‘cut off their hand’ or not? If hell is only a grave, why is fire or a furnace associated with it? Hell is an important Biblical doctrine, a warning of a real place of torment that is prepared by God for the devil, not for humans (but all humans not written in the Book of Life Rev 20:15; end up there. Our only way to heaven is faith in Jesus.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6. (KJV)

Jesus or Jesu? Christ or Kristi?

Why use the name Jesus Christ instead of Jesu Kristi?

In the English King James Bible, the name from the Greek Ἰησοῦς ‘Iēsoús’ is used throughout, regardless of syntax, where the full name ‘Jesus’ is used and also ‘Christ’ from the Greek Χριστός ‘Christos’. In the KJV Bible the name: ‘Jesus’ occurs 983 times. The name ‘Christ’ (Christ) 555 times. The name ‘Jesus Christ’ 196 times. In addition, the name ‘Christ Jesus’ appears 26 times. = 1760 times in total. By sticking to the whole name Jesus Christ, its meaning is preserved, (2424 Iēsoús - Jesus, Iē = Jehovah / soús = saves. the transliteration of the Hebrew term 3091 /Lṓt ‘Yehoshua’/Jehoshua, contracted to ‘Joshua’ which means ‘Jehovah saves’ and Christ means ‘the Anointed One’). The Swedish KJV Bible also follows this to the letter, as we know that every name in the Bible has a meaning that we do not want to lose. Therefore, we use the full name ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ instead of ‘Jesu’ and ‘Kristi’ in our endeavour that the KJV Bible, by God's grace and for His glory, will perfectly follow and reproduce the word of God, the Holy Scripture. - In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
”Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12 (KJV)
Note: In English, the spelling ‘Jesus Christ’ is commonly used to refer to Jesus. When it comes to the genitive form, which in Swedish is ‘Jesu Kristi’, English uses ‘Jesus Christ's’ or ‘of Jesus Christ’ depending on the context. For example:
  • "The teachings of Jesus Christ" (Jesu Kristi läror).
  • "Jesus Christ's teachings" (Jesu Kristi läror).
Thus, there is no direct equivalent to the specific form ‘Jesus Christ’ in English.


The King James Version (KJV) is a proven text for over 400 years with unrivalled fruit unto the Lord, it is known for its reliability, historical accuracy and because it is based on the ‘correct’ Greek manuscript source from Antioch, known as the Majority Text, which includes over 5000 texts. Unlike the Minority Text of Alexandria, (which includes about 45 texts and is corrupt), the KJV is not missing verses or words and has maintained the same doctrine since 1611. The King James Bible is flawless and perfect, and has served as an unwavering source of faith, assurance and guidance. God has preserved His Word as promised, and that the Swedish translation of the King James Version has been adapted to retain the language and textual structure of the original English version, with a strategy that includes both literal and dynamic translation where necessary.
Our attitude and position to the translation of God's word into Swedish is that it is the KJV Bible that has the ultimate authority and it is the King James Bible, God's preserved, flawless and living word in English, which corrects the Swedish translation and not vice versa; neither the Swedish; Greek or Hebrew language corrects the KJV Bible. Nor is the Swedish KJV Bible adapted to be ‘politically correct’ in any context when in the Bible we are called to obey God more than men. Holy Scripture is the word of truth given by God; not words given by men and therefore Holy Scripture, our Bible is the only final authority in matters of all faith and practice (1 Thess. 2:13; Prov. 30:5; Psa 119:160; Mat 4:4; Luke 4:4, Acts 5:29).
The SKJVB project was started to make the KJV Bible available to all Swedish-speaking people and to make it available via the internet. Our goal is also to expose all corrupt manuscripts and forged Bibles, which are nothing but an attack on God's word, as these Bibles create both a devastating doctrine and doubt in the reader due to deleted verses and words. Instead, we want to show that God's word is not only preserved in the ‘original text’ but that it is preserved by God and available to us all today. Yes, that Bible exists and is called the King James Version (also Bibles in other languages from the same text line).

Did you know that: 1611 King James Bible consists of :

(Note! The Apocryphal books are not included, as they are not part of the Old Testament).

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