The Bible Library

The Bible Library


Find out more about how you can support us


Help us by,

Praying for us.

If you would like to support us in our work, please keep us in your prayers in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, we really need to pray to God in thanksgiving for the freedom we still have to read the Bible, even in Sweden, because the Bible is the book that is illegal and/or seriously persecuted in 52 countries.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.. - James 5:16. (KJV).
FINALLY, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. - 2Th. 3:1-2. (KJV).


Please help us by


If you value the Bible Library, please consider supporting us through voluntary donations.

The Bible Library is financially dependent on those who are blessed by the work that we do in the Lord (which is based on voluntary and non-profit work). & The Bible Library

A non-commercial project

As this is a privately owned, non-commercial project based on voluntary and non-profit work, we depend on your financial support. If you value the Bible Library, please consider supporting us through voluntary donations.

Your gift

How your donation is used

All contributions go directly to the project; to preserve and develop the Bible Library; your contribution does NOT go towards salary costs but is only used to pay for the running costs of the project. Your contribution also helps us financially to preach the Gospel in different languages through the Bible.Online platform. & The Bible Library

Your support helps us keep several projects going

Your donation helps all parts of, and the SKJVB project, which aims to translate the King James Bible into Swedish and give everyone FREE access to the Swedish KJV Bible online.

Your contribution helps us reach our goal and every gift, no matter the size, helps us continue our mission.

Together we can also continue to preach the word of God and the gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour to all people.

Send your gift directly; with Swish, Vipps or PayPal.


You can support us by making a voluntary donation via SWISH.


You can support us by making a voluntary donation via VIPPS.


You can support us by making a voluntary donation via PAYPAL.

"For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account." - Phi 4:16-17. (KJV).


Help us by,

Proofreading the Swedish KJV Bible.

You can also help us as a proofreader

As a reader of God's Word, you probably have a good eye for proofreading and linguistic accuracy. Our enquiry is whether you, as a reader, would be willing to help us with a revision of the text.

Please let us know if you find anything that needs to be changed according to the King James Bible, an error big or small does not matter as we strive for perfection. Your input will really make a difference and help improve the quality of the text and the clarity of the message all according to the King James Bible.

We would appreciate your help.

As a reader of the King James Bible and the Swedish KJV Bible, you are an important part of the SKJVB Project. Since we believe that the English King James Bible is the preserved and perfect word of God, without error, we naturally strive for the Swedish translation to be as close to the King James Bible as possible and like it also be without error. We need your help with this. If you as a reader can let us know if there is anything in the Swedish KJV Bible that needs to be corrected according to the King James Bible.
  • Remember - Even if you find an error in the KJV Bible translation, the English King James Bible is still perfect, without error. It is the King James Bible that corrects the KJV Bible and not the other way round.

Change form

Here you can submit your error report and your amendment for the Swedish Bible text of the King James Bible.
Name of the proposer E-mail address Provide Bible verse Fault report & Suggested changes
Legal Notice:
SKJVB™️ ⎜ The Bible Library™️ reserves the right to use submitted translation proposals and to reject translation proposals without notifying the proposer. No financial compensation will be given to the submitter for submitted translation proposals, whether or not they are used. By submitting a proposal, you accept these terms and conditions.
Proofreader of the Swedish KJV Bible
Here's what you do:
  • Contact us, through the Change Form.
  • Let us know in which Bible book the error is, giving chapter and verse. (e.g. John 1:1).
  • Then submit your proposed change*.
We appreciate your contribution to making the KJV Bible translation as faithful to the King James Bible text as possible.

*Please do not send us translation suggestions according to other Bible translations based on the Critical Text (Minority Text). For practical reasons, we also do not reply to your message of amendment, to avoid getting into time-consuming discussions or disputes about each amendment.