The Bible Library

About us; our goal and purpose.

About The Bible Library - Bibeln.Online

This website provides links to all the uploaded Bibles that are part of the SKJVB Bible Project. The online library of the Bible Project is accessible to everyone via the web browser, such as Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox etc.

We have gathered here on the website BIBLE.ONLINE all available Bibles that are part of the Bible Project SKJVB to make it easier for our readers to easily access all our uploaded Bibles, from one place. The Bibles included in the Bible Project all come from the correct line of N.T. manuscripts - the Majority Text (from the Received Text, Textus Receptus).

About the goals and objectives of the SKJVB project

SKJVB is a privately owned non-commercial project

All websites belonging to the SKJVB project are privately owned and operated. The translation work of the Swedish KJV Bible is a private non-commercial project because we love the Word of God, with the aim of preaching its truth. The goal of the SKJVB project is to provide Bibles online from the correct line of manuscripts completely free of charge. Our ambition is also to inform and at the same time warn everyone that there are corrupt Bibles (2 Cor. 2:17) that are fraudulently missing verses and words. We therefore urge everyone to read, believe and study the King James Bible, which we wholeheartedly believe is God-preserved, proven and completely error-free. 

The Bibles included in the SKJVB project are all based on the correct line of manuscripts: 1611 King James Bible (in English) ⎜ Swedish KJV Bible ⎜ 1703RV King Charles XII Bible. ⎜ 1873 King Charles XII Bible.

  • 1611 King James Bible, the English text of which is translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Contains: Old & New Testaments ⎜ 1611 Chapter Overview with updated spelling ⎜ Preface to Readers ⎜ Dedication to His Majesty (King James I).

  • The Swedish KJV Bible, the Swedish edition of the English 1611 Authorised King James Version is a thorough Bible translation of the Holy Scriptures. Contains: Old & New Testament (in progress) ⎜1611 Chapter Summary in Swedish ⎜ Preface to Readers ⎜ Dedication to His Majesty (King James I).

  • BIBLIA, The Holy Bible, 1703 edition, Revised Version. King Charles the Twelfth's Bible, is one of the most important Bibles in Sweden and was the official Bible translation for the Swedish Church for over 200 years.

  • BIBLIA, The Holy Bible, 1873 edition. King Carl the Twelfth's Bible, is one of the most important Bibles in Sweden and was the official Bible translation for the Swedish Church for over 200 years.

In summary, our primary purpose is to preach the Word of God and devotionally point all people to Jesus Christ, even our Lord and only Saviour, who died for our sins, was buried and rose again from the grave (1Cor. 15:1-4) in order that every person, through faith in His shed blood on His cross, might be reconciled to God and have eternal life (Rom. 3:25; Col. 1:14, 20). Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). As saved Bible-believing Christians, we are all messengers (ambassadors) for Jesus Christ and we endeavour at SKJVB to present the same evangelical message to all; to teach the word of God.

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. - 2Cor 5:18-20 (KJV)

My testimony

Torbjörn Holmberg

Founder of the SKJVB project.


My name is Torbjörn, but most people call me Tobbe, and I was born in Skellefteå, Sweden. I became a born-again Bible-believing Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, in 2015 and since then I strive to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved me enough to die on the cross for my sins.

It is also my desire and purpose to preach both in Swedish and English about the gospel of the glory of Christ (I Corinthians 15:1-4).

After personally discovering the English King James Bible, I was inspired to start the SKJVB project, with the aim of giving everyone online access to a Swedish translation of the King James Bible and to inform about the meaning of the Bible, that it is truly the word of God, not the word of men and preach its truth.